Bachman Branchline

Currrent Bachmann Branchline available by special order. The stock is always changing -call us for your special requirements. See the 'Contact Us' page.

00 1:76 Scale 16.5mm (HO track)

31266 BR Motor Luggage Van SR MU Green with Yellow Warning Panel $134.99
34078 GWR 60ft Collett Coach 1st 3rd Brake Composite $64.99
34128 GWR 60ft Collett Coach 1st 3rd Composite $64.99
39775 LMS 50ft Inspection Saloon LMS lined Crimson Lake $114.99
44045 TPO Apparatus $39.99


Hornby Railways

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Broughdale Hobby
1444 Glenora Drive, London, Ontario, Canada, N5X 1V2
1-519-434-0600, Fax 1-519-434-0714
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