Broughdale Hobby
"Model Railroading Spoken Fluently" Come into our well stocked Store. 519-434-0600 |
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Regular hours Mo 12-4, Tu-Fr 10-5, Sa 10-4 Under New Ownership! Meet Jason as he takes on the joys and challenges of this most enjoyable business.
///passions.browser.folk |
Steam 4-6-0s
Paints Tamiya Vallejo |
Airfix 1/87 Vehicles |
and..HO Scale
GMD F7B and F9B Locomotives
order deadline passed |
Our best selling HO Trainsets |
And.. HO Scale GMD FP7 CPR, CPRail, ONR, VIA, MC |
Please advise us of your pre-release requirements on any item. | |||
Try us for the following
names in model supplies AMT, Accurail, Airfix, AKinteractive, Alumilite, Athearn, Atlas, Bachmann, Bachmann Branchline, Badger, Busch, Bytown, ConCor, Corgi, Dapol, Detail Associates, Digitrax, Excel, Evergreen, Faller, Heki, Herpa, Hobby Boss, Hornby, Humbrol, Iconic Replicas, InterMountain, Juneco, K&S, Kadee, Kalmbach, Kanamodel, Kato, Kibri, LGB, Life-Like, Meng, Merit, Metcalfe, Microtrains, MiniArt, Mini-Metals, MPC, Model Power, MRC, MTH, Noch, Osborn, Oxford Diecast, Panda, Peco, Pikestuff, Piko, Plastruct, Preiser, Rapido, Ratio, Revell, RFM, Scalextric, Slaters, Spectrum, Superquick, Sunsout, Sylvan, Takom, Tangent, Tamiya, Testors, Trix, Vallejo, Vollmer, Walthers, Wills, Wiking, Woodland-Scenics, Xacto.
We carry a full line of Used HO and N model trains Bought and Sold Read this link FirstVisit our well stocked store or mail
order. International orders welcome. All prices are in Canadian
Dollars and will reflect price at time of delivery. Remit payment in
Canadian Dollars.
Visa or M/C. |
Contact:- Broughdale Hobby,
1444 Glenora Drive, London, Ontario, Canada, N5X1V2 Content on this website and locomotive logo is
copyright of Broughdale Hobby. Users of this web site may not copy any of its
contents. |