Broughdale Hobby
1444 Glenora Drive, London, Ontario, N5X 1V2, Canada. ph 519 434 0600

Customer Mail Order Agreement

In order to provide the most efficient and secure service to our customers we require your signature and credit card information on file. Send your orders by email, (phone or mail if you wish). Please fill in the appropriate blanks below. The ID# contained in your order emails will be your personal password authorizing the use of your credit card. Print out this form and mail* or fax to us with your signature. Your signature will be kept on file, with the agreed password. This file is for our sole use.  (* preferred)

Name Phone
Street Fax
City Email
Province Card #
Country Expiry
Postcode ID # back of card

It is agreed by the undersigned that Broughdale Hobby (a retailer trading in model railways, model kits, supplies, accessories and related books, videos etc.) may charge against the indicated credit card (VISA OR MASTERCARD) for the supply and delivery of items that the undersigned may from time to time order by email, phone, mail or in person, giving the ID# agreed to above. This agreement to continue in effect until the credit card expiry date. Renewal of this agreement to continue upon delivery of a further signed agreement.

Orders may be processed and/or ordered from suppliers but not shipped until receipt of this Customer Mail Order Agreement.

Signature ...................................................


You may fill out this form on screen or after printing. Please check information in each field before sending. (No link between this page and any data mining program exists).


Privacy. No part of this information will be kept in electronic storage devices by Broughdale Hobby