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Tri-ang Hornby S/H

Locomotives and rolling stock from the early 1970's. Please enquire.
Includes Near mint Battleforce Helicopter launching flat car.


February. 2019

We are working through a GWR OO scale railway collection spanning 1980 to 2017. Please contact us for any particular items or come in and see
what there is. All used. Some boxed. Freight, passenger and locomotives as well as scenics and accessories - building, people etc.

New Tri-ang

System 6 track

Current List of Second Hand
Take a look at our recent arrivals - in store.

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Broughdale Hobby
1444 Glenora Drive, London, Ontario, Canada, N5X 1V2
1-519-434-0600, Fax 1-519-434-0714
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